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"Did you~?", "Do you~?", "Have you~?"는 모두 질문을 할 때 사용되며, 각각 다른 시간과 상황을 나타냅니다. 이들의 차이를 이해하기 위해 각각의 사용 예를 살펴보겠습니다: "Did you~?" (과거 시제) "Did you know that?"은 과거에 어떤 정보를 이미 알고 있는지를 묻는 질문입니다. 이것은 과거에 어떤 일이 발생했거나 어떤 정보가 이미 과거에 알려진 상황에 사용됩니다. 예: "Did you know that John got married last week?" "Do you~?" (현재 시제) "Do you know that?"은 현재에 대한 정보를 묻는 질문입니다. 이것은 현재의 상황이나 사실에 대한 정보를 묻는 데 사용됩니다. 예: "Do you know..

우연하게 영작에 도움이 될만한 사이트를 발견했다. reading이랑 listening은 연습할 기회가 워낙 많은데 writing은 비교적연습할 기회와 검증 받을 기회가 적은 것이 현실. 영작, 클릭영작, 빈칸넣기, 찾기, 등등 있는데 나는 영작만 사용할 것 같긴 하다. (하지만 영작이 전혀 안 되는 분들은 빈칸 넣기라던가 클릭영작부터 시작하면 좋을 듯!) 이런 식으로 노란칸에 내가 작문을 해서 답을 넣으면 어순과 단어의 배열의 오답률을 채점해주고 모범답안을 보여준다. 대문자랑 약어로 you를 써서 절반정도는 틀린걸로 나왔네... 비교적 긴문장을 연습해보고 싶으면 단어수를 필터링에서 거르면 됨... 엄청 어려운 문장까지는 연습하긴 어렵지만, 문장구조 작문 연습하는데 도움이 될 것 같은 사이트다. https..
1. CNN: South Korea's Yoon says 'untrue' media reports damage alliance amid hot mic controversy 2. CNN: 12-year-old boy in 'critical condition' following alleged gang-raped in New Dalhi 3. CNN: Putin's tactical nuclear weapons could pack the same punch as atomic bombs dropped on Japan 4. BBC: Shinzo Abe - Why a state funeral for slain ex-PM is controversial 5. BBC: Iran grapples with most seriou..
1. CNN: Hot mic catches South Korean leader Yoon Suk Yeol swearing about US lawmakers 2. BBC: South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol denies US insult caught on hot mic 3. BBC: Seoul subway muder sparks fury over South Korea's stalking laws
1. Little Mermaid: Halle Bailey in awe of children's reaction to Disney trailer Little Mermaid star Halle Bailey says she has been left awestruck by people sharing videos online of young family members revealing their joy on seeing a Disney star who looked like them. 2. Xi and Putin to discuss Ukraine war ate meeting - Kremlin China's leader Xi Jinping and Russia's Vladimir Putin will discuss th..
1. Nirvana's Nevermind cover art lawsuit dismissed A judge in California has dimissed a lawsuit against Nirvana made by Spencer Elden, who appeared as a naked baby on the cover of their album Nevermind.
1. Gas pricees soar 26% after Russia keeps key pipeline closed => Gas prices have soared on concerns over energy supplies after Russia announced it would not reopen its main gas pipeline to Europe. 2. Nirvana win lawsuit over 1991 Nevermind album cover => A US judge has dismissed a man's latest lawsuit against Nirvana over the band's iconic 1991 album cover which showed him naked as a baby.
1. South Korea records world's lowest fertility rate again South Korea has again recorded the world's lowest fertility rate with the number sinking to a new low. 2. South Korea’s president needs to learn the basics Politics is as much about presentation as policy
A 17yr old girl is just never, ever, ever in her prime. Ever! I am in my prime! Would u test ur strength out on me? There is no way, there is no way anyone would dare.. Dare! test their strenght out on me. Bc u all know there is nothing stronger than a broken woman who has rebulit herself.
1. Alex Jones must pay $4m for Sandy Hook hoax claims 2. Thailand nightclub fire kills at leatst 13 3. Four critically hurt bt lightning near White House 4. Evergrande gets $818m as stadium deal cancelled 5. Did we all believe a myth about depression? 6. Hungary's Oraban fires up Texas conservatives 7. US urges Russia to agree deal to free jailed Griner 8. US police charged over death of Breonna..